Lynne Sarnoff-Christensen


Ceramics: Lynne Sarnoff-Christensen’s ceramic work reflects the natural landscapes she finds so rich with color and texture. The simplicity of her forms allows her applications of surface design to showcase her interpretation of nature. Lynne’s ceramic work reflects her fascination with texture and vivid colors. This clearly perseveres in her new series of contemporary ceramics. This series of work is created by applying layers upon layers of underglaze and colored slips to her clay pieces, building up texture and contrast. She allows foundational layers to appear through the applications while applying additional layers of colored slips to build upon. These pieces are multi fired to continue adding dimension and depth. She is creating a painting with texture, on clay. A beautiful abstract process. The concept is very loose and unplanned. Lynne allows the process to take her on a creative exploration. The results are sometimes so unexpected and yet so celebrated. Lynne moves back and forth in her work as one process leads to new ideas in another. She applies her experiences with encaustic painting to her ceramic work, giving her new influences in technique and artistry. She fosters the joy of unexpected creativity.

Encaustic Paintings: I am a Minnesota artist with a focus in pottery. After decades of work, I developed a strong desire to take my experience with surface design (on clay) and infuse it into a different medium. I was introduced to Encaustic painting 7 years ago. This medium and creative process allows me to create textures and depth through the use of photography and the texture I create with wax. Encaustic painting creates a bridge for me to apply what I have experienced with the organic nature of clay and invite it into the organic nature of beeswax. There is an original intention to my paintings, however I allow myself to be open to new creative possibilities and directions within each piece I create. I build up layers of wax to create transparency and depth. A constant awareness of change with each painting is the creative story that lies within each piece. There are so many other expressions that can be incorporated within the art piece to create texture, depth, imagery and interest. Encaustic work has expanded my parameters and creative boundaries.